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"Rational Scientific Theories from Theism"


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Previous: 20.4 Persons and their identity Up: 20. The Theistic Universe Next: 20.6 Law and divine intervention

20.5 Intentionality

There is a clear intentionality of mind implied by the fact that desires, intentions and ideas are always about things. This does not seem possible for physical objects.

This intentionality of the mental does not arise from a spatial aspect of mentality and the way in which it may be a model or map of reality. Rather, it arises from the fact that ideas are always being generated from loves, since loves are part of intentions for specific results. Ideas are the entertainment by the mind of forms of things, and therefore those ideas refer to the objects of which we are considering the form.20.4 Intentionality of loves and thoughts comes about because they both arise from God’s love. That love is the love of others. Intentionality is part of the very nature of God. The resulting psychology will be discussed in Chapters 22 and 27 and will include outlines of many other aspects of mentality.

Previous: 20.4 Persons and their identity Up: 20. The Theistic Universe Next: 20.6 Law and divine intervention

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